Friday, June 5, 2015

The Six Sigma Methodologies

There are 2 basic methodologies introduced in Six Sigma organizations. They are known by their acronyms DMAIC and DMADV.
The DMAIC method involves five steps: Define Measure Analyze Improve Control
–It is used to improve the current capabilities of an existing process
–It is the most commonly used methodology of sigma improvement teams.
  The DMAIC method will be the focus of this class.
The DMADV method involves five steps: Define Measure Analyze Design Verify
–It is used to help create a process, product, or service to meet customer requirements .
–It is used when there is a need to complete a redesign because a process, product, or service is consistently incapable of meeting customer requirements.
–It is less frequently used.

–It is typically convened and staffed by senior managers.

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